PSPP for Beginners

Closing remarks

This concludes our tour of basic PSPP features for beginning statisticians. There is a lot more to explore. This is hopefully enough to be sufficient for an entry-level statistics course.

The entire PSPP tutorial can be downloaded by this .zip file: This might be useful to teachers who want to host it on their own web site.

Please feel free to report errors, suggestions, and feedback on this resource via email: gary dot fisk at gsw dot edu.

Good luck with your statistical adventures!


Many thanks to the Affordable Learning Georgia program for supporting this project through a mini-grant. I also thank my colleagues from Georgia Southwestern State University for supporting this project: Charles Huffman, Ellen Cotter, and Judy Orton-Grissett.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License that allows sharing, adapting, and remixing.