PSPP for Beginners
This web site is a tutorial to help new statisticians get started with using PSPP for statistical analyses. PSPP is a free alternative to the commercial SPSS software.
Getting started:
- What are SPSS and PSPP?
- Obtaining PSPP
- Starting PSPP
- Views in PSPP
- Variables in PSPP
- The Variable View
- Configuring Variables
- Value Labels
- Other Settings
- Data Type
- Switch to the Data View
- Saving Data
- The Output Viewer
- Entering Data
- Importing Data
- Data Navigation
- Sorting Data
- Sorting by columns
- Choosing Variables for Analysis
- Computing a Variable
- Recoding New Classification Variables
- Recoding the Same Variable
Descriptive Statistics:
- Descriptive Statistics
- The Frequencies Command
- Frequencies Caution
- The Descriptives Command
- Crosstabs Data
- Crosstabs Command
- Means Command
- The Split File feature
- Histogram graphs
- Bar Graphs
- Pie Charts
Analyzing Relationships:
- Analyzing relationships
- Scatterplots
- Correlation coefficient
- Linear Regression
Inferential Statistics:
- Inferential statistics
- The t-test family
- One-sample t-test
- Independent-samples t-test
- Paired t-test
- Analysis of Variance
- Chi Square Goodness of Fit
- Chi Square test of Independence
Closing Remarks:
- Closing and credits
Miscellaneous Instructional Tools
Practice calculating basic statistics by hand. These exercises require javascript.

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