The start was a B.A. at Luther College, then I moved on to a Ph.D. in Behavioral Neurobiology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. For the last 25 years I have been a Psychology faculty member at Georgia Southwestern State University.
My scholarship focuses mostly upon the study of unconscious perceptual processing. Although psychologists typically hold the opinion that perception is mostly unconscious, Steve Haase and I take the position that many results atributed to unconscious processing could be more accurately understood as producing a partial or graded conscious experience.
The book Slides for Students has empirically-based recommendations for effective teaching with PowerPoint. The book is available at, Books-A-Million!, and
There's a special passion for using technology to enhance education.
Animations for teaching psychology
Getting Started with PSPP - A statistics software tutorial
Web-based statistics calculators for teaching introductory statistics classes
Course tools: calendars, multiple-choice tests
AI or Human? Finding and Responding to Artificial Intelligence in Student Work
Top-down Brew has free, open-source calculators for homebrewing.
Community theater is wonderful for building stuff and collaborating with creative people.
Check out my Dad's antique tractor collection.
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