Web-based Statistics Calculators for Teaching Introductory Statistics

Statistics calculations

The following pages perform basic statistics calculations from small data sets of comma separated values. These are useful for quick and easy in-class demonstrations. No special hardware or software is required.

Finding P-values and Critical Values

Practice exercises

These provide novel data problems for students to solve by hand. The data is randomly generated. Answer feedback is revealed when the student's are ready to see the answer.

Random Data Practice Excercises

These examples are based on random data to illustrate what correlation and statistical tests might be like under null hypothesis conditions.

Educational Usage

These calculators were created by Gary Fisk for statistics instruction. These are provided for free: no cost (free beer) and liberty (free reuse). These license is a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License that allows sharing, adapting, and remixing. This is an open educational resource (OER). These calculators are designed for beginner-level classroom exercises, not professional-level scientific research. No guarantee of accuracy is given.

This WebStatsCalculators file has all of the above pages and associated files for easy download and sharing. The files must be kept together in the same folder because some files are linked together. People who reuse these files should aim to host the files on their own learning management site.

Last update: July 16, 2024

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